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What's On

Portal to the past

Photographer Tang Xilin’s exhibition “echoes of Silence” is showing at the Cangcheng impression art Space through March. The works of the veteran photographer capture the essence of old Songjiang, his birthplace. Driven by a profound love for his hometown, Tang began documenting Songjiang’s ancient cityscape in the 1970s. Witnessing the imminent demolition of historic houses in the 1990s, he felt compelled to pre-serve the images of a disappearing life-style, silently conveying the “nostalgia” of his homeland. These photographs serve as a portal to the past, tracing the remnants of yesteryears scattered across Songjiang. The exhibition is on at at 197 Zhongshan Road W., 10am-7pm every day.


Wall-less art museum

The exhibition “Mountains and Rivers” at art+ Century Museum in Rabor nova features nearly 300 paintings by over 60 renowned Chinese artists such as huang yongyu and guan Shanyue and explores the theme of nature-inspired landscapes and patriotic sentiment. The exhibition is divided into one main exhibition and three special exhibitions, each taking place in public spaces such as lawns and gar-dens, creating a “wall-less art museum.” The exhibition runs until august 1, 2024, at 885 Wangjiashe Road.


Mystery of Shanhaijing

The guangfulin international Cultural exchange Center is hosting the Mystery of Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) exhibition. Shanhaijing is an an-cient text made up of mythological and geographical lore. This extraordinary showcase, hailed as a visual feast, fea-tures a 9.9-meter-long and 1.9-meter-high “Mountain and Seas Map,” 10,000 sculptures of 447 mountains, over 7,900 tribal figures and over 1,900 divine beasts, herbs and divine trees described in the classic. The exhibition is ongoing at 3088 guangfulin Road.

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