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District implements smart water management

SONGJIANG District has successfully implemented a water management strategy, completing 316 water-saving projects and achieving 100 percent compliance among high water-use businesses. The initiative has signifi-cantly improved water efficiency and ecological benefits in the area.

Increasing the reuse rate of water is a primary approach to industrial water conservation. Chint electric, a well-known provider of smart elec-trical and energy-efficient solutions based in Songjiang, has enhanced its industrial water conservation ef-forts through innovative projects.

By upgrading to remote water meters and implementing a smart water management system, the com-pany has greatly improved its water use efficiency. Additionally, Chint electric has adopted waste heat re-cycling from boilers and enhanced rainwater collection and cooling systems. These measures have led to an impressive 97.3 percent rate of industrial water reuse and a 99 per-cent rate of indirect cooling water recycling, positioning the company as a leader in water efficiency.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manu-facturing Company (TSMC) in Songjiang uses a large amount of water to produce electronic chips. To improve water efficiency, the company recycles different types of wastewater, including water from cleaning processes and used water from production.

They treat and reuse some of this water to make ultrapure water, es-sential for chip manufacturing, and use other treated waters for cooling systems and cleaning equipment.

Additionally, some treated water is used for flushing toilets and wa-tering plants around their facilities. These recycling practices help TSMC save about 18,000 cubic meters of water every day.

“Industrial enterprises are major water users,” said the district water bureau. “Promoting the reuse of industrial water, reducing leaks in water networks, enhancing scientific water management and implement-ing visible water management in factories are crucial strategies for advancing water conservation across the district.”


Under effective ecological management, Jiuke Oasis Park boasts clear waters and green shores. — Ti Gong

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